
ABoF Bands on The Referendum

Here at ABoF, we're proud to be working with bands from all over the world - our roster is truly international. However, with the Scottish referendum on everyone's lips, some of our Scottish bands decided to tell us why they'll be voting Yes or No on one of the most important political days this generation has seen. And remember kids, whatever the outcome, let's all remain friends!


"We are voting yes because we think it'd make a little sense if the people making decisions affecting our country actually cared about our country."

Algernon Doll

"I'm voting YES because I want to scrap nuclear weapons and end our involvement in illegal wars. The money could be spent better on our child care and health service. I'm voting YES because I want to live in a democratic Scotland where my vote counts, a Scotland where the people are sovereign and not just the millionaire bankers. I'm voting YES because I believe the people of Scotland know how to govern our own country best. I'm voting YES because I choose hope over fear." - Ewan Grant


"We're split - not down the middle - but we are split. There are now six members of Dante - three of us have always been Yes voters, two have moved from No to Yes, and one of us remains a No. So, in total five of us will be voting Yes, and one No. For that reason, we are not a "Yes band" and so haven't been engaging in the same kind of social media/other campaigning as some Scottish bands. It wouldn't have been fair. Personally, however, I'm voting Yes because I feel it gives us a much better chance at starting to create a fairer society. As naive as that may sound." - Seán McLaughlin

Jo Mango

"I am voting yes because I would like the chance to have and create a more powerful vote for a fairer society."

We Came from Wolves

"We are split as a band so we are not a 'Yes band' either, however, I am voting yes for a chance at true democracy within our country. To prioritise bridging the gap between rich and desperately poor over funding war and the storing of nuclear weaponry on our shores, against our wishes. To rise up from the rule of another country and have full control over our own economy and affairs. No one can run our country better than people working and living in and for Scotland.
We have a chance to show the world that by working together, and putting people before profit, real change can be accomplished...all this without the firing of a bullet or the dropping of a bomb... how can I not say yes?" - Kyle Charles James Burgess

Posted Thu, 18 Sep 2014 in Alburn WOMPS Dante Jo Mango We Came From Wolves