
ABoF Staff Picks of the Month!

Every month Daniel blogs about what Team ABoF are listening to in the office - the non-ABoF bands that are rocking our worlds.

It's that time of the month where we at A Badge of Friendship are here to give you a taste of what we're listening to. Whether in the office, on public transport or in the comfort of our own homes, here are the tracks that we, the ABoF team have had on repeat for the past month or so. Finally, 2016 is over and we can start getting on with our lives and make a fresh start as 2017 can’t get any worse than last year, which is why (at least in my head) I’m optimistic about this year and the music yet to be released.

Here are some great tracks that we named our top picks for January:


Homeshake - Every Single Thing

Jay Som - The Bus Song

Spoon - Hot Thoughts


WHY? - Proactive Evolution

Antonio Williams // Kerry McCoy - Dark Denim

Pile - Texas


Beach For Tiger - Black Buddha

Penelope Isles - Cut Your Hair

Loyle Carner - Damselfly


Agnes Obel - Its Happening Again

Bonobo - Bambro Koyo Ganda feat. Innov Ganda

Sleaford Mods - BHS


Blond Maze - Antarctica

Dream Nails - Deep Heat

Young Romance - Wasting Time


The Shins - Name For You

Japandroids - No Known Drink Or Drug

Wilsen - Centipede

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Posted Fri, 20 Jan 2017