
ABoF Tunes for a Tuesday

We love to talk about music, talk to others who love music, talk to musicians, talk to those who work with musicians and talk about musicians. But occasionally, when we all shut up, we listen to music as well. This is what we’ve been listening to recently.

Claire: Beat Cops - Hit It Again
Beat Cops are a Montreal based band who released their album Mean Streets earlier this year. I’ve been right into my Canadian bands this year and this is absolutely brilliant.

Paul: Ought - Beautiful Blue Sky
Since we visited Canada earlier this year I have been on a Canadian music kick. Montreal’s Ought are a post-punk band who made their name with last year’s excellent debut album More Than Any Other Day. This track is taken from their recently released second album and is a beauty of a tune coming in at just under 8 minutes long. So why not fill your boots?

Ellie: Black Honey - Corrine
I’ve been a fan of this Brighton-based band for a while now. Corinne is their latest release and its amazing. I got a chance to catch them at The Great Escape this year as well and the lead singer has so much sass you can barely take your eyes off her.

Adam: Trust Fund - Football
The best song written about the sport this side of the millennium. After seeing them perform it live at their Lexington gig a couple weeks back it’s been on repeat whenever I get the chance. The recently released album Seems Unfair is also well worth checking out.

Posted Tue, 17 Nov 2015