
ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… Katalina Kicks!

My wife often complains that too many guitar bands just don't have balls any more. When she sees a man pick up an electric guitar, she doesn't want to hear about his painful breakup, or whether his father hugged him enough when he was a kid - she wants to hear him scream in the face of "the man" (whoever 'HE' is) and play choppy, ear destroying hooks that make the status quo (not to be confused with "Status Quo") scared to turn on the radio.

Or at least, that's what I think she's been saying. I've been too busy listening to Katalina Kicks and their foot-stamping, speaker shaking album that sounds like a love letter to all things garage rock. I should probably send those guys ABoF's five pointless questions...

1. Using the fairy tale format, tell us how you all met.

Once upon a time a pint of Devonian scrumpy and a little kiwi fruit met behind a bush and conceived a very special baby. This baby was christened Prince Katalina - and he kicked. A lot.

Although he was indeed a very special baby he needed a stronger heart. So the Scrumpy and the kiwi searched the land far and wide for a suitable match until they found a very angry little Lancashire hot pot simmering away in the gutter. The heart was perfect on this one so they set about tearing out the little hotpot's heart and putting it into the prince. 'eh bye gum, be careful!' cried the hotpot, 'What thee doing?'

But in a flash the deed was done!

Over the next year Katalina grew stronger and stronger until he was old enough and strong enough to battle and travel the globe on his quest to bring his own special sound to the world.

On his travels he bumped into a guitar slinging koala carrying a rare album, playing like Hendrix mixed with Lennon.

Prince Katalina thought 'If only I could digest this little fella's sound the world would stand up and listen and I could connect on a global scale.'

He quickly grabbed the koala and his record and ingested his sound instantly.

Katalina was now complete and kicks all over the world.

The journey continues until there is a happily ever after........

Not the End.*

* No drugs where taken and no hot pots where killed whilst writing this story.

2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?

When I heard Nirvana for the first time. Was life changing.

Musician-wise, there has to be a melting pot of influences from John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, John Bonham, Jim Morrison, Joe Strummer, Marc Bolan and not forgetting Freddie Mercury for his showmanship.

3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?

Invisibility - would be a great stage trick for starters and get you into so many places!

4. In ten years time where do you want to be?

Using my Super powers from the last question.

5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?

'Sex n Drugs', as it's one track that kicks ass and leaves a long lasting impression.

Dirt by Katalina Kicks is released 7th September 2014 via Snappi.
Posted Wed, 18 Jun 2014 in Katalina Kicks