
ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… Steve Strong!

We're a little late with this week's ABoF pointless questions, and if we're honest it's our assistant Ed's fault. He became completely distracted when he discovered that Steve Strong is also the name of a professional wrestler, which led him down a rabbit hole into the gritty world of WWF, WWE, WCW and the amazing phenomenon of kayfabe.

Steve Strong is not a professional wrestler. He is, however, a remarkable musician who's managed to create an album that has had pride of place on the ABoF turntable for the last couple of months. We managed to pin him down to ask him our five pointless questions.

1. Using the fairy tale format, tell us how it all began.

Once upon a time there was a steve who climbed into his body and met his soul who told him to get off his ass and create something he can be proud of and keep complete control of.

2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?

I've been playing in bands since school it's always taught me expression and freedom and discipline it's always been a part of my life, there was no defining moment more a constant itch to create sonic art. It's the one thing in life that's always present and always there for you.

3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?

I think it would be the power to be invisible and just go around doing weird things and spinning people out.

4. In ten years time where do you want to be?

I would like to be able to make music as a full time job and not have to work full time on the side.

5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?

I would play them Wide 'Open Spaces' as I feel it's a warm and inviting track that would give the stranger an idea of what my music's about.

Three Hands Tall is released on 19th May 2014 via Genepool Records.
Posted Thu, 01 May 2014 in Steve Strong