
ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… Death Rattle!

In our new weekly feature we'll be sitting down with one of our artists and asking them five pressing questions. The reason: we're nosey, and like to poke around in people's heads.

The first Q and A in the series is Helen Hamilton from Death Rattle, who took time out from working on her upcoming debut album to sit down with us over a cup of coffee and answered our questions. Well, we assume she was sitting down, and there may well have been coffee - it's hard to tell over email.

1. Using a the fairy tale format, tell us how you all met.

Once upon a time, we were in a band together which split up and we listened to some Michael Jackson and the Terminator soundtracks and wrote two songs together before deciding they suited a band name like Death Rattle.

2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?

Watching Jennifer Batten perform on MJ's Dangerous tour, circa 1989. For Chris (he's currently away), I would guess it was watching Slash perform live. Two iconic guitarists with silly hair were all the inspiration we needed.

3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?

Flying for sure. Invisibility too. Invisible flying, to spy on people from above.

4. In ten years time where do you want to be?

Writing music. Playing music. As much as possible.

5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?

I think we would want to go with our most recent release Wait as it's the best representation of who we are as a band right now. Either that or our very first single The Dig as it still holds its own against newer songs we've written. Or 'Fortress' as it's the song that feels most fun to perform live. I hope this stranger likes a three track montage.

Wait is released May 5th 2014 on iTunes and limited edition 12" vinyl via Limb Records.
Posted Wed, 02 Apr 2014 in Death Rattle