
Blogger of the Week: Sourmash Music

Our very first Blogger of the Week has to be Sourmash Music. He's a very big supporter of what we do and embodies, what we think, everything a music blogger should be - approachable, friendly and open to all sorts of new music.

Here's Sourmash Music a.k.a Peter Cornish-Barlow in his own words:

Sourmash Music in some form or another, has been around for just over 2 years. It started out as me just writing about albums that I had bought, but gradually became much more over time. Getting my first promo to review, which was the Apple and Engines EP by Roses Kings Castles, was where it all begin and since then I have never looked back. From declaring Young Guns to have made my favourite album last year to my interview with the living legend Alan McGee. Each post is me and only me, my opinion, my say and my passion on every page published.

Why did you decide to start Sourmash?

Sourmash came about from my interest in writing commentary and reviewing music. I have always been a fan of new music from a young age and to be able to talk about it endlessly is just perfect for me. That makes me sound like someone that is just non-stop talking shit about music, but it is true its all I do. So it seemed sensible then to actually transfer that energy and enthusiasm into something solid, so Sourmash Music was born.

To date, what has been your biggest achievement for the blog?

For me it has been one of my more recent posts and that was interviewing Alan McGee. The guy is an absolute legend in the music industry and signed one of my favourite bands. Such an interesting guy and straight to the point, so to be able to just have a few words with him was an honour. In terms of biggest posts that has to go to my Noel Gallagher Solo Album Tracklisting Leak! I hold my hands up now and looking back maybe should have thought it through before posting. When you get something like that in your inbox (proven to be a fake now though unfortunately) you can't sit on that, so I took a chance and posted it.

What are your thoughts on music blogging culture, specifically in the UK?

I think it is fantastic! We live in such a wired and plugged in society that everyone has access to everything. It is an open forum for people to have their say or comment on something we love. It is great that bloggers opinions are taking seriously now too, they are seen as important and that's great because we are the fans at the end of the day.

Which bands, who've been in touch via Sourmash, do you still listen to avidly as a fan?

Spring Offensive come to mind straight away, I have gone nuts for those Oxford boys, an incredible band. Also Roxanne De Bastion, a singer/songwriter from Berlin but resides in London. Sweet, melodic folk pop with such innocence and lightness she just melts your heart. Sweet Jane are another band who I still listen to, an Irish Rock n Roll band who have such magnetism and elegance, I get shivers still when I listen to their album.

Any new music recommendation?

Oh yes everyone must hear Glass Child A.K.A. Charlotte Erikkson. Charlotte does amazing things with her voice and has such a huge range. Her songs are just moments of pure emotion and at such a young age I think she is outstanding at what she does. Also Adam Barnes who is a singer/songwriter from Oxford who writes the most tender and powerful songs you will hear. Stemming from that Americana Nu-Folk sound, Adam has the potential to deliver something as great as For Emma, Forever Ago, he's that good!

Which blogs would you recommend?

We Plug Good Music - Ayo knows what he is talking about, I always get his advice when I can.

My Band Is Better Than Your Band - I don't think Ollie can do no wrong can he? Ha ha... Seriously though someone else who has an ear for great music.

Plans for Sourmash in the future?

If I'm honest, I don't know. I had plans to turn it into a full review site, get some more writers in and create something bigger. But I like what I am doing now and not sure I want to change that quite yet. Would love to have my own label imprint and get a release out this year though. Just a 7" single release would be great, something small but really special. I am on the lookout for the right single and band/artist, once I hear it I'll know. Also a Sourmash Night has been a dream of mine, so we'll shall see on that one!

Sourmash Music on Twitter
Posted Mon, 18 Jul 2011