
Ed says. . . please, just give me a driving licence

Last week marked the 3rd time I failed my driving test. The first time was ten years ago, just before I went to unit, where I picked up a major fault two minutes before the test ended, dooming me to a decade of public transport, and god-awful rail journeys up and down the country (during those ten years I had neither the time, nor the money, to retake my test). The second time was only a month ago, where I managed to spectacularly mess up a turn in the road by mounting the curb - the rest of the drive had been perfect.

The last time was different - I was convinced I'd passed. When I pulled back into the test centre, the examiner asked me if I remembered the horse I'd overtaken. Apparently I hadn't given it enough room, and had overtaken a tad too fast. A horse. In London. Major fault. No licence for you sir.

My major annoyance with constant supervision while driving is the lack of music. I listen to music while I'm doing everything. When I wash the dishes, I tend to listen to something fast paced and rocky to make the time fly by while I'm up to my elbows in suds. When I write, I pop the radio on in the background so I don't over think, and lull myself into a half conscious state where the words just flow.

I have yet to drive with music on, and I can't wait to start doing so. Whenever I hear a boy racer go past with bass rattling the windows of my house, I think to myself, "If he just tweaked the treble up a tad, and took some of the bottom off, that would probably sound amazing".

Alas, it's not to be. I have to endure another couple of weeks until I can retake my test, and then I'll probably encounter a UFO, exploding cattle, or the wheels will fall of the car. But, until then, I'm going to be spending my downtime creating the best driving playlist the world has ever seen!

You can follow ABoF super assistant Ed on Twitter
Posted Wed, 31 Aug 2011