
Guest Blog: Penguins Kill Polar Bears

New to our roster, Penguins Kill Polar Bears, have kindly submitted a guest blog on this blustering, snowy Friday afternoon... read on and watch out for them in 2011!

It’s been an icy bastard of a week. Penguins and polar bears are used to this tundra-like environment but this is surely taking the piss! Scotland is now like Siberia and it’s been looking like a scene from 28 Days Later out there with cars and trucks abandoned on motorways, buried in snow!

Of course, the best thing about this weather is that zombies simply cannot survive in this climate and it is as good a time as ever to take a shovel out with you and take the heads off a few ghouls who have been frozen stiff in a mound of snow. A few less to worry about come spring time.

We’ve been winding down on the gig front coming up to Christmas, but there’s still a lot of preparation to be done for next year. We’re releasing a new EP called Vessels and Veins in February so we’ve been putting the finishing touches to the mixes and sorting track listings and stuff like that. On top of that, we’ve got our first full UK tour to look forward to as well. Exciting times lie ahead!

The weather didn’t stop us getting to Edinburgh on Saturday though. We had a show at Electric Circus and we did not intend to miss it! If you’ve never been to Electric Circus, it’s a pretty cool place. It looks a bit like a really upmarket strip club from the set of the Blade Runner movie. Things didn’t get off to the best of starts as Fraser got himself a puncture when arriving at the venue. He managed to earn extra man points by changing it himself while the rest of the band were used as a human shield against oncoming traffic. It should be noted that Murray our manager simply stood and laughed as this all went on and made no effort to help whatsoever. We were then told that we would have to turn down drastically during sound check. This puzzled us on two accounts as A) we were barely tickling our amplifiers and B) everybody loves loud rock music don’t they?

It soon became obvious that there is one group of people who do not appreciate loud rock music – hen nights! Yes, a group of middle aged ‘terts’ had been using one of the karaoke rooms in the venue and had obviously had the middle eight of Robbie WilliamsAngels interrupted by a deadly slice of "Wish With Worry" and subsequently put a complaint in to the venue manager. Revenge was sweet however, as our good friend Piez showed up later on that night and managed to impregnate four of these seagulls with his potent, potent seed. Boom! 1-0 Penguins!

The show itself went very well and we all sweated very hard on stage. All in all; great success! You can have a sneaky peak at some videos captured at the show on our Youtube Channel.

If you’re into videos, then you might enjoy seeing Gav dancing like a madman just hours after the electric circus show. If you want to see it then drop us an email and we’ll send it on to you. It’s comedy gold! We might even put it on the PKPB facebook so make sure you’re signed up for updates.

So we have one more show before Santa comes to empty his sack under your tree but we’re not allowed to tell anyone about it because it’s for Detour who keep all their lineups a secret so we’re really not allowed to tell you that we’re playing they’re night at Bar Bloc this Wednesday with Sucioperro... oh shit! Nah, its ok though, by the time this is published, the show will be but a distant memory so it’s cool for you to know that right now we are super stoked for this one because Sucioperro are fucking brilliant! They’ve written many a fine song like "The Final Confessions of Mabel Stark", "The Drop" and "The Dissedent Code". Detour nights are always a riot, the two guys who run it Weaver and Ally have some pretty nifty tricks up their sleeves and do mad shit like kidnap bands and then force them to do stuff in front of cameras for your enjoyment. And one of them (if not both) always ends up shitfaced on 80 proof Balkan vodka.

After all the Detour fun we’ll go hibernate at our rehearsal space which we’ve named The Igloo and get ready for our King Tuts show in January and the February tour so, until then, Merry Christmas to all of you. We really hope Satan (we hope they meant Santa but you get the idea...! - ABoF) is good to you all. Bye bye for now.

Ben, Fraser, Gav & Kieran.
Posted Fri, 17 Dec 2010 in Penguins Kill Polar Bears