
Hello from our new intern… Matthew French!

It's a brand new year and we have a brand new intern - Matthew French. He's been brightening up things around here with his very fashionable jumper / shirt / socks pattern-clashing combos and generally being an all round intern wonder. Here are some words from Matt on his first few weeks with us here at ABoF...

Interning is always a tricky world. Being flung into a new, often changing world that requires you be almost as hands on as a full time member of the team while using your brain like a sponge to soak up new skills is scary and enthralling all at once. All it takes to keep you sane is some drive, determination, a little common sense and some great supportive people to work with. The guys at A Badge Of Friendship have certainly been that. In the brief time I have been interning they have thrown all manner of task’s at me but have ensured my head doesn’t go under the water for too long.

They have an outstanding roster and one that has exposed me to new sounds. Research tasks provide a welcome break from the more creative aspects that often send the brain into overdrive such as writing press releases and helping with the creative planning aspect of some of their ongoing campaigns.

Just as one task is complete or one artist is shipped off to do business with the world another reappears in the inbox with a completely unique sound or a totally different requirement. It’s impossible for two days to be the same and with the start of each day you are left at the top of one learning curve and at the bottom of another. It’s fair to say it’s not an easy job, but if your doing something you love with some great, fun loving mentors then by the time you’re at the top of that tricky world you can just push off and skate down the other side.

Follow Matt on Twitter
Posted Wed, 30 Jan 2013