
Welcome to… Ed!

The latest addition to the team - Ed Williams - chats about how he feels being part of the ABoF massive. And thanks Ed, flattery will get you everywhere with us!

As the newest addition to A Badge Of Friendship, I think it's only polite that I introduce myself. I'm Ed, and I assist Claire and Paul in their day-to-day activities, writing news stories, press releases and joining in the general banter about Dexter and True Blood.

I'm a writer by trade, and this is my first venture into PR, and I couldn't have found two better people to ease me in to this hectic, but enjoyable, industry.

I used to write for the gadget and toy industry, and cut my teeth working for, writing product copy and testing toys. It's not as fun as it sounds, but the people there were a lot of fun to work with.

It's absolutely staggering how much I've learnt in the short time I've been with ABoF, and there's still so much more to come. I tend to get itchy feet when I discover the job I'm doing isn't teaching me anything anymore - it's highly unlikely that this is going to happen here.

So, Christmas is around the corner, we're all very busy trying to put 2010 to bed so we can turn the page and welcome 2011 into the limelight, and I'm sure there are 101 things I could be doing instead of writing this, so I will let you get on with your jobs (reading blogs at work? Shame on you!) and put my head down and get back to mine.
Posted Fri, 10 Dec 2010