
ABoF’s Class of 2015: Between Mockingbirds

It's our final day in the office until 2015, so take 5 mins and check out the last in our series of artists who'll be rocking your socks off in the new year. Merry Christmas everybody!

Artist: Between Mockingbirds

Sounds like: A cross between Queens and the Stone Age and Kasabian with a bit of Edward Sharpe The Magnetic Zero’s thrown in for good measure.

Releases: Do You? [single] - 19th January 2015

What others are saying about them:

A band who like to have fun with everything they do, whether it’s writing songs, playing gigs, or making ridiculous music videos.

In their own words: We make the familiar sound unfamiliar

For more information about Between Mockingbirds, visit their ABoF artist page or their official site.
Posted Fri, 19 Dec 2014 in Between Mockingbirds