
Good vibes…

Claire ABoF shares some updates from ABoF HQ...

We’ve been so busy lately, I’d forgotten to write a little update of what’s been going down here at ABoF towers. As you can see from our latest newsletter, we’ve been rather busy these last four weeks!

The biggest thing we’ve been working on (since September last year!), was a private event for and HP. We’ve been working with since the summer, doing online PR for the pop-up sessions they’ve been promoting in conjunction with HP. The private event was a culmination of all our efforts and a party for and HP’s staff and media partners.

There were canapés, free drinks, ballerinas and David Guetta plus 2manydjs did their thing on the decks. When the DJs started, it hit me that we’d come quite far and I felt so happy that we had this chance to organise something like this. When we started ABoF, we simply wanted to do something we loved and be in control of our own destinies work-wise and I felt really proud in that moment. Much thanks goes to for giving us the opportunity.

Team ABoF and

(photo by Lee Allen)

Aside from this event, we’ve been working on lots of different bands. I think I should mention there are lots of Scottish bands on our roster at the moment too. I can’t believe how many great bands are coming from up north.

It’s been such a busy start to the year and we’ve barely had time to breathe but we like it that way. I hope we continue moving onwards and upwards and working with brilliant people like the folks at and all our wonderful bands. The only new music I’ve been listening to since the start of the year has come from them, we’re very lucky to be working with quality bands at the moment.

That’s enough gushing from me! Wishing all who read this super positive vibes for 2012!

If you'd like to get in touch, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), you can also follow Claire and ABoF on Twitter...
Posted Fri, 03 Feb 2012