
Interview: Turnpike Glow

This week's interview is with ABoF roster newbies Turnpike Glow. They're about to get very busy in 2012 with singles, an EP and an album planned next year.

1. Where does the band name come from?

A dEUS gig setlist was hanging in my room like a trophy at the time and that's where we got "Turnpike" from. "Theme from Turnpike" is a song of their second album.

However, we soon discovered the name was already being used by a Swedish techno DJ. So we flicked through the dictionary and and saw the word 'Glow'. The two words put together seemed to have an evocative imagery, we thought. It did make a lot of sense when we came up with it. Not sure it still does. We totally appreciate this anecdote lacks in glamour but since then we've become even less sophisticated

2. Do you still bust out the giant sombreros from time to time, or is that part of your life over?

These are tough times so we prefer to cling on to our sombreros. They work great on rainy days, too.

3. Two of your members are Italian, How do you find the UK music scene, compared to Italy's?

Unlike the typical London venue, in Italy you’re likely to get a few drinks and some food after the show. That’s not bad. There are actually many willing indie bands but the scene is pretty small compared to the bigger and squalid mainstream pop market. And so it’s tough to get your voice heard. Unfortunately there’s a lot less interest for up and coming bands where we come from. Sometimes we do miss our friends in Rome though.

4.Who or what would you say has influenced you the most as musicians (doesn't necesarrily have to be another musician)?

Some records had a big impact on what we do: The Flaming Lips' “The Soft Bulletin”, Broken Social Scene's “You Forgot it in People”, U2's “Achtung Baby” and dEUS' “The Ideal Crash”.

5. "The Turn, The Pike And The Glow" is your first release - are you nervous?

Not anymore since we're on valium. Joking aside, of course we're eager to see how people are going to react to our music. You put so much into this and then you can only wait and hope people will enjoy it. Should no one take an interest in what we do, we can always fall back on our sombreros.

Turnpike Glow - The Turn, The Pike And The Glow by abadgeoffriendship

6. Have you got any plans to tour?

The idea is to do a mini-tour in March following the single release. We’re on the case!

7. Who are you guys listening to at the moment?

Bon Iver, Caribou and The National.

8. Can we expect an album in 2012?

That's the plan. We're constantly writing new material. Probably going to release an EP first and then hopefully an album later in 2012.

9. Finally, a meteorite is about to hit the planet, destroying it completely - you have one hour. What album do you listen to?

"A New Day Has Come" by Celine Dion. It would make death a more appealing option.
Posted Wed, 23 Nov 2011 in Turnpike Glow