
Last ABoF Gig of the Year

Well, last night we promoted our last show of the year. The wonderful Paper Chase came over from the States to rock our little socks off. We had started the evening fairly chilled-out knowing our cheap tickets had sold-out. We were really pleased to see that folk had also come along to see the supports - On Histories of Rosenberg and Ex Libras.

Unfortunately, a few hours before the show, we had a call from On Histories saying their van had packed-in on the motorway, somewhere near Gatwick; some of the band and all of their gear were in this van. What a nightmare! Anyways, Louis had been keeping us updated and at around 8pm, it looked like it wasn't really going to happen. The boys were so lovely though and it wasn't their fault - these things happen!

So onwards and upwards, we open the doors a little later and prepare for the awesome Ex Libras. By the time Ex Libras hit the stage, around 9pm, there are just over 100 people in the room and more pour in to watch the boys as they begin their set. Playing songs mostly from their debut album Suite(s) (out November 30th!), we're reminded of what a real, quality live band sounds like. Kieran playing bass via the keyboard gives the set a real "meaty" quality and Amit's voice is simply spectacular. It's good to hear a band who, not only place emphasis on melody, but also a good off-kilter beat too - Ross provides the perfect backbone on the drums and all these elements combined give Ex Libras an edge over any other burgeoning London band gigging at the moment.

A special mention to Chris and Steve Wheeler who provided some quality tunes on the decks. I'm especially happy Chris managed to play some Grandaddy for me, Steve squeezed in some vintage Queens of the Stoneage and there was a distinct 60s vibe as doors opened, which was a little different from hearing the indie guff that's usually expected from "alternative indie DJs". We're glad the brothers Wheeler brought an eclectic mix to the night.

Unfortunately, rushing around meant that I never had a chance to catch The Paper Chase. However, reports from the gig since have been brilliant. Personally, the best part of the night for me is the fact that the bands have a good time and I think we managed to achieve that. The Paper Chase seemingly told Paul that ours was the best live show they've played in London so far - quite a complement.

And here we are... the last show is over, and the PR onslaught continues as we try to fight the good fight for all the bands on our roster. We love every single one of them and we hope the results keep flowing in as we approach Christmas time.

2009 has been very good to us indeed - let the good times roll!

Peaceout - Wee C x
Posted Thu, 12 Nov 2009 in Ex Libras On Histories Of Rosenberg