
The Juniper Leaf 4/5 in Artrocker!

Modern psyche-folk four-piece Juniper Leaf's debut release Broom, Briars, Torches From The Fire has received a wonderful review in Artrocker Magazine!

"Folk music coming from the city seems a weird contradiction in terms. Surely folk music's about brambles, black cats, cold cottages and sexy witches. And yet here we have it: a London folk band, fiddles and all. What's even stranger is that it works." - Ric Rawlins, Artrocker

The bands debut album has, thus far, received favourable reviews from the music press which is thoroughly deserved and is something which demands your attention.

You can buy the album from The Genepool website for £8.99, HERE.

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Posted Thu, 17 Jun 2010 in Juniper Leaf