
Pose Victorious interviewed by GaydarNation.

Pose Victorious are busy spreading the word about their new single, Beneath The Lighthouse, but that doesn't mean they were too busy to sit down and have a chat with the people over at GaydarNation.

The lads cover a range of subjects in the interview, from amusing tour stories and fantasy gigs, to which member of the band receives the most male attention. It's reads like the boys had a lot of fun, so head over there and check it out.

If you want a taste of what the band have to offer, check out the free download "Cold Hands//Warm Heart" on the ABoF Soundcloud page.

Pose Victorious - Cold Hands//Warm Heart by abadgeoffriendship

The excellent five track EP Beneath The Lighthouse is out to buy now on iTunes for just £3.95.

If you'd like more information about this, our PR services or anything else, please email
Posted Wed, 15 Jun 2011 in Pose Victorious