
Rock A Rolla review Leader Of The Starry Skies and the debut album from Talons

Happy monday, and what a monday it is. We've just heard that Rock A Rolla featured two of the bands we work with in issue 30 of their magazine.

First up is the fantastic review for Talons debut album, Hollow Realm.

"...for a debut album it shows a remarkable degree of maturity and forethought - Rock A Rolla Magazine

If you'd like to hear more, but can't see the stream below, check out Talons album track "Peter Pan" over on our Soundcloud page.

Talons - Peter Pan by abadgeoffriendship

Hollow Realm, the debut album from Talons, is released on Big Scary Monsters, and can be bought via Amazon or downloaded via iTunes.

Next up is the review for Leader Of The Starry Skies, a labour of love put together by a multitude of bands inspired by Tim Smith from Cardiacs. All the proceeds from the album sales go towards paying Tim Smith's medical bills, so it's for an incredibly worthwhile cause.

"An essential purchase." - Rock A Rolla Magazine

If you can't see the stream below, listen to Knifeworld's rendition of "The Stench Of Honey" on our Soundcloud page.

Knifeworld - The Stench of Honey by abadgeoffriendship

You can download Leader of the Starry Skies for £10 over at The Genepool's website.

If you'd like more information about this, our PR services or anything else, please email
Posted Mon, 28 Feb 2011 in Talons in Leader of the Starry Skies