The Moth & The Mirror “Best Album of 2011” on Tidal Wave of Indifference

Although it was only released a few months ago, The Moth & The Mirror's debut album, Honestly, This World has received praise far and wide.
The Tidal Wave of Indifference has included the album in their Best Albums of 2011 list. They say: "...this was one record we were definitely happy to see emerge with its propulsive percussion and big guitar sounds." A triumph for their label Olive Grove Records.
You can listen to "Fire", a track taken from the album, over on the ABoF SoundCloud page.
The Moth & The Mirror - Fire by abadgeoffriendship
Honestly, This World is out now on Olive Grove Records and available to buy on the band's Bandcamp page or alternatively you can get it on Amazon or iTunes.
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