ABoF Tunes for a Tuesday (on Thursday… and what?!)
We love to talk about music, talk to others who love music, talk to musicians, talk to those who work with musicians and talk about musicians. But occasionally, when we all shut up, we listen to music as well. It's a little late due to being super busy the dreaded Lurgi but this is what we’ve been listening to recently.Paul: Moving Mountains - 'Deathless'
Moving Mountains have been around for quite a number of years now with the band forming around 2005, their recent split EP with Prawn ended a 2 year hiatus. Known for their emotional post-rock sound, Moving Mountains have been compared to the likes of Sunny Day, Real Estate and Appleseed Cast and it’s easy to see why on their track Deathless. Looped acoustic guitar, gorgeous string arrangements and harmonised vocals make this an exquisite wintry ear worm. It also doubles up as the perfect track to accompany a reflective montage moment in a drama series. The camera panning from left to right as it fades from home to home, some families sad, some happy, there’s the woman who is addicted to prescription drugs but she's hiding it from her loved ones, and the man with a secret illegitimate family stashed away in a Travel Lodge in, er, Bradford, before settling on an old person looking wistfully out of the window as the snow falls, melting on the concrete below, a metaphor for those gone but not forgotten. End credits.
Claire: Thyla - ‘Us And Them’
A bit of ethereal grunge from Brighton based band Thyla. I’m really loving this track Us And Them - great vocals. This pretty much sums up the sound I’ve been digging in 2015 and I think they’ll do big things next year.
Ellie: BOYTOY - 'Your Girl'
I came across this band the other day and immediately couldn’t get enough. BOYTOY are a Brooklyn-based trio of pop-punk rockers with a surf-rock edge. Their latest EP Grackle is an absolute treat for the ears and Your Girl is a particular belter.
Adam: Arthur Beatrice - 'Who Returned'
The first release since their 2014 debut Working Out is a great return from the London 4-piece. The first half of the song settles back in to the chilled, atmospheric sound that was the bands hallmark on the previous release, Ella Girardot's vocals are again stunning. However the change for the second half feels like a step up for the new material, the added intensity is particularly welcome as for all the beauty of Working Out I felt it did struggle to reach that moment of release, as if the band always had their collective foot over the break.
A Badge of Friendship on Fubar - Ep 34 ‘Label Love’ Special feat. Bloc+Music & Hand Drawn Dracula!

This week on the all new A Badge of Friendship show we return to a theme that has become an old favourite of the show as we explore our love of labels.
Joining us on the show is Halina Rifai the head of up and coming Scottish label Bloc+Music who have released three cracking records over the past year. Our love of all things Canadian continues as we chat about the wonderfully named Hand Drawn Dracula and their eclectic roster of bands, many of whom have found a place in our hearts in 2015. We also focus on Essex based record label Close To Home Records and Ed makes a triumphant return to the show as he talks us through his pick, the renowned US label Alternative Tentacles.
Check out the full tracklisting for this week’s show below:
Fugazi - 'Waiting Room'
Half Moon Run - 'Turn Your Love'
Beliefs - 'Leaper'
Chastity - 'Manning Hill'
Dearist - 'This House Has No Windows'
Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine - 'White People and the Damage Done'
Cherri Fosphate - 'Wool'
Woolworm - 'I Truly Do Not Mind'
Lou Reed - 'Perfect Day'
If you're a band or a label and would like your track to be considered for the show or are interested in our PR services, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
A Badge of Friendship on FUBAR - Ep 33 feat. Sofar Sounds and Scarlet Page!

Sofar Sounds' Chris Lloyd joins us this week for our monthly Sofar special. Chris tells us about the latest happenings at Sofar HQ and shares some stories - divas, nightmare sessions and all the good stuff too of course.
Later on the show, Claire and Paul chat to rock photographer Scarlet Page. After 20 years of documenting some of the most iconic folk in the music world, Scarlet hops on the phone to tell us all about her new exhibition Resonators at Proud in Camden and about some of her experiences as a photographer working in the biz. The exhibition is an insight into the world's most legendary guitarists, taken in an intimate setting, behind the scenes. A book of the same title is also being released as a limited edition to run alongside the exhibition.
Check out the full tracklisting for this week’s show below:
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - 'Necessary Evil'
TEEN - ‘All About Us
City of the Sun - 'Intro (xx Cover)’ - Sofar Session
Kroxi - ‘Who You Are’ - Sofar Session
Lisa Mitchell - ‘Warhol’ - Sofar Session
TWINKIDS - ‘Dreamer’ - Sofar Session
We Are The City - ‘Kiss Me, Honey’
C Duncan - ‘For’
Wume - 'Gold Leaf'
If you're a band or a label and would like your track to be considered for the show or are interested in our PR services, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
A Badge of Friendship on FUBAR - Ep 32 - The Boys Get Quizzed!

This week the gang go music news nuts chatting about Sandi Thom's 'leave Britney alone' moment on YouTube, the reaction to the Paris terror attacks with a campaign popping up to get The Eagles Of Death Metal to number one and the fact that Apple are scrapping Beats (do we even care anymore!?). And after all the serious stuff Claire quizzes Paul and Ed on their Prince knowledge with a round of clips (with a lot of grumbling from Paul!).
Check out the full tracklisting for this week’s show below:
Beach Slang - 'Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas'
EL VY - ‘Need A Friend'
Nzca Lines - ‘Persephone Dreams’
Chinah - ‘Minds’
Kindling - ‘Painkiller’
Moving Mountains - ‘Deathless’
The Van T’s - ‘Laguna Babe’
Goldmund - 'Is As'
If you're a band or a label and would like your track to be considered for the show or are interested in our PR services, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
ABoF Tunes for a Tuesday
We love to talk about music, talk to others who love music, talk to musicians, talk to those who work with musicians and talk about musicians. But occasionally, when we all shut up, we listen to music as well. This is what we’ve been listening to recently.Claire: Beat Cops - Hit It Again
Beat Cops are a Montreal based band who released their album Mean Streets earlier this year. I’ve been right into my Canadian bands this year and this is absolutely brilliant.
Paul: Ought - Beautiful Blue Sky
Since we visited Canada earlier this year I have been on a Canadian music kick. Montreal’s Ought are a post-punk band who made their name with last year’s excellent debut album More Than Any Other Day. This track is taken from their recently released second album and is a beauty of a tune coming in at just under 8 minutes long. So why not fill your boots?
Ellie: Black Honey - Corrine
I’ve been a fan of this Brighton-based band for a while now. Corinne is their latest release and its amazing. I got a chance to catch them at The Great Escape this year as well and the lead singer has so much sass you can barely take your eyes off her.
Adam: Trust Fund - Football
The best song written about the sport this side of the millennium. After seeing them perform it live at their Lexington gig a couple weeks back it’s been on repeat whenever I get the chance. The recently released album Seems Unfair is also well worth checking out.