ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… FUCK ART, LET’S DANCE!

Sometimes we're given the opportunity to work with an immensely talented group of people. FUCK ART, LET'S DANCE! are one of those groups. If ever we were in a gun fight, we'd want FALD there with us, watching our backs, swords drawn, using the power of their minds to deflect the myriad bullets belting towards us at the speed of sound. Not that we'd ever get in a gun fight, but we feel safer knowing that these guys were there. They're also releasing their album, Atlas, on 28th April 2014 via Audiolith
We managed to get one of them to stop exploring the lush German forests for long enough to answer five questions we found written on a napkin inside a forgotten pair of jeans.
1. Using the fairy tale format, tell us how you all met.
Once upon a time these lands were ruled by the iron hands of the dark lord Tedium.
He was a restless tyrant and one of the most cunning manipulators to ever walk this mortal realm. Our most thriving kingdoms tried to oppose the dark lord's rule but all of them ultimately failed in their effort to defeat him. Our people sorrowfully pledged allegiance to his cause in return for not being murdered.
For centuries his cold grip held our lands captive, forcing us to never think as far ahead as we truly wished. Until an expedition of our lands' last bravest warriors returned with the ancient scrolls of vivacity. These ancient scrolls, once long forgotten but retrieved from the depths of the demonic asylum. The ancient scrolls of vivacity unveiled a prophecy. A prophecy which would save us all from our powerless rigour. It foretold the arrival of four courageous heroes, who would purge the dark lord Tedium and his menacing reign. In the years 88 and 89 of the first cycle, these heroes were born. The first of his kind was Nicolas. A soft man of stature who could end a battle between thousands of raging soldiers with just one word. The second of this fellowship was Romerus. A great tactician who would analyse a situation in a blink, always guaranteeing the best outcome.
The third was Timothy. His opponents would stand in fear and awe when they glanced upon his titanic body. The fourth and youngest has been Damian. No one could exceed his swiftness and adaptiveness. They hailed from the land of St.Ellingen, a small village with no great particularities.
Together they created the most valiant army and finally brought justice to the dark lord Tedium.
The state of mental rigour was no more and finally our people can enjoy the merits of living an eclectic, sophisticated and blithe life.
2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?
After we finished school we already knew that we wanted to keep on writing and performing our music. We tried going to universities and tried to work part time but we just love music above all else. It's something that has been with us since we were born. The defining moment for me personally was when we were recording our debut album in the studio. At some point I just knew that I want to spend the rest of my life creating music and maybe become a producer myself. None of us can imagine working in an office, sitting there from 9 to 5, going home, repeating this over and over again. We always go out on adventures, meeting new people, expanding our knowledge, seeing the world. We don't want give that up, and we'll try our best to keep this going.
3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?
Telekinesis. Telekinesis is the most overpowered of them all. Imagine being able to lift any object just with a thought in your mind. There are no boundaries to which objects you are able to lift. Anything would be possible. Furthermore, you would have the ability to lift your own body making you able to fly. I've really had this question on my mind for a long time and this power would be the best.
4. In ten years time where do you want to be?
Watching the skyline of a metropolis in my loft while the sun is setting as the city transitions into its nightlife. Packing my things to go on the next tour again, presenting our latest record to the whole world.
5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?
'Hemisphere'. This track got us pumped up so hard, that we instantly forgot about any fears and sorrows.
I remember when I hit the play button and showcased the demo inside our van we went mental. Our drummer was holding his head out the window, while the rest were shouting and laughing.
I remember the van rolling down an empty street. The orange glow of the city at night shining bright. And us. A couple of crazy, young and ambitious bandmates celebrating life. In this moment we realised that we've become a union, a family.
Atlas is released on 28th April 2014 via Audiolith.
ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… Fat Goth!

Because of his sheer sexual magnetism, all communication with Fat Goth's frontman Fraser has to be conducted by email. It's the only way we can maintain our professional relationship. In the second week of our weekly Q & A series, we peered into Fraser's head-space and dug around with a blunt spoon to get the answers to five questions we came up with in less than five minutes two weeks ago.
1. Using the fairy tale format, tell us how you all met.
Scotland: long have the heavens struck their wrath upon this formidable landscape and the backs of the men, women and children who desperately cling to life in this ruthless, yet beautiful habitat. On the east coast the great city of Dundee resides between the majestic swell of the silvery Tay and the towering peak of The Law. This is a sacred place, a place where cultural significance and creative magic can be felt in the very air you breathe, the sights you see and whatever things you deem appropriate to taste.
In the year of 2007 this city played host to a union that has arguably become one of the most celebrated and cherished not only in the history of music, but artistic expression in general. When the holy trinity of Mark Keiller, Fraser Stewart and Allan Mitchell came together under the moniker of Fat Goth, the world stood still. Never had such an unprecedented degree of divine power ever manifested itself upon this earthly plain of ours and those who were there to witness the first offerings from this musical trio of old schoolmates were nothing short of dumbstruck. Initial reports stated those who found themselves in the presence of the three band members experienced bizarre occurrences such as sudden nosebleeds, hysterical fits of uncontrollable joy and even spontaneous human combustion, regardless of whether the three were performing music or not!
Humanity rejoiced whenever Fat Goth presented a new gift for consideration and those initial recordings are still revered to this day. The fact the band's first few releases are available to download for free is just testament to the generosity of the group: the knowledge that you can't put a price on true genius. Things were good for a time but as fate would have it, storm clouds were beginning to form on the horizon. In 2010 Fat Goth was dealt a mighty blow in the form of Allan's departure from the fold. Australia was beckoning the bald bass wonder and so with a heavy heart, Mark and Fraser bid a fond farewell to their beloved comrade. However, the remaining two were determined to continue and give hope back to the people. Enter Kevin of Black, the short yet highly talented bassist of fellow Dundonian music smiths, Laeto. Kevin brought his visage and expertise in the fall of 2011 and since then Fat Goth has continued to win over the hearts and souls of all who bathe in its glorious light.
2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?
When I was about 16 a new family moved into my street and I quickly became friends with their kids. Their son had an electric guitar and I was amazed when I heard him playing all those rudimentary riffs you're taught when you start getting lessons. I was instantly hooked and continuously harassed my parents until they eventually bought me a guitar of my own. The father of that same family had an extensive record collection and introduced me to lots of bands and artists I was completely unaware of, most notably 'Nevermind' by Nirvana. I reckon I had a mild interest in music up until that point but after hearing 'Smells LIke Teen Spirit' for the first time and obsessing over that band for the remainder of my teens, I knew I wanted to become a musician.
3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?
While the notion of possessing the power to cure all disease, stop wars and generally right all the injustices in the world is both admirable and noble, I'd probably just settle for the ability to make myself irresistible to women that are clearly light years out of my league.
4. In ten years time where do you want to be?
Ideally sunbathing with my Miss Universe female companion pal on the deck of my super luxury yacht, sipping away at a lovely martini and taking in the beauty of the Mediterranean while figuring out ways to spend my ludicrous and ever-increasing wealth.
5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?
Good question! I suppose something like 'Sweet Mister Scary' from the new record would be appropriate. It's quite 'riffy' and schizophrenic, which is a common characteristic in a lot of our music so I suppose it would be as good a place to start as any.
One Hundred Percent Suave is released on 12th May 2014 via Hefty Dafty with support from Creative Scotland.
ABoF’s Five Pointless Questions with… Death Rattle!

In our new weekly feature we'll be sitting down with one of our artists and asking them five pressing questions. The reason: we're nosey, and like to poke around in people's heads.
The first Q and A in the series is Helen Hamilton from Death Rattle, who took time out from working on her upcoming debut album to sit down with us over a cup of coffee and answered our questions. Well, we assume she was sitting down, and there may well have been coffee - it's hard to tell over email.
1. Using a the fairy tale format, tell us how you all met.
Once upon a time, we were in a band together which split up and we listened to some Michael Jackson and the Terminator soundtracks and wrote two songs together before deciding they suited a band name like Death Rattle.
2. Who or what was the defining moment in your life that made you decide to be a musician?
Watching Jennifer Batten perform on MJ's Dangerous tour, circa 1989. For Chris (he's currently away), I would guess it was watching Slash perform live. Two iconic guitarists with silly hair were all the inspiration we needed.
3. If you could pick a superpower what would it be and why?
Flying for sure. Invisibility too. Invisible flying, to spy on people from above.
4. In ten years time where do you want to be?
Writing music. Playing music. As much as possible.
5. If you could only play a stranger one of your songs to make a first impression, which track would you choose?
I think we would want to go with our most recent release Wait as it's the best representation of who we are as a band right now. Either that or our very first single The Dig as it still holds its own against newer songs we've written. Or 'Fortress' as it's the song that feels most fun to perform live. I hope this stranger likes a three track montage.
Wait is released May 5th 2014 on iTunes and limited edition 12" vinyl via Limb Records.
A Badge of Friendship Podcast Episode 2!
This episode reveals Claire’s distain for twee indie films, sandal wearers and general discussion about her love of Bicentennial Man (cue a lot of piss-taking from Paul and Ed!). And we debate what’s actually creepier - answering the door topless or wearing a t-shirt and nothing else?Tracks included in this episode:
- Shambles in a Husk - Cowboy Doom - Intro
- Deathbells - Money Making Sequel - 4:45
- Scary People - Chicago! - 11:05
- Universal Thee - 1 Million Voices - 16:35
- Penguins Kill Polar Bears - Lungs - 20:35
- The Birthday Suit - All Of This Everything - 37:12
- FUCK ART, LET'S DANCE - We're Manicals! - 44:25
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ABoF Playlist: Rocking Your Face Right Off Your Face!

Our roster has always been diverse, showcasing all the genres we love. There's no denying though, we love music that ROCKS. Rock was our first love and it will never die, here we present to you some of the most rocking bands on our roster at the moment.
If you want to find out more, please click on the links below!
Scary People
Fat Goth
We Came From Wolves…from-wolves
Shambles In A Husk…s-in-a-husk
Algernon Doll
The Fire And I